Burundi adopted its most recent National Action Plan (NAP) in 2022 for the period 2022-2027. Based on the framework for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000), the government of Burundi has developed and implemented two prior National Action Plans: the first, for the period 2012-2016 and the second for the period 2017-2021, and has adopted a third NAP for the period 2022-2027. The evaluation of the second NAP revealed that problems in Burundi persist regarding the women, peace and security agenda, particularly the full inclusion of women in peace-consolidation mechanisms and decision-making positions, as well as their economic independence and autonomy. The third NAP’s process of development was deeply intertwined with the second’s NAP evaluation. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender was in charge of collecting and validating the data from 25 institutions and organizations that work on WPS, including Ministries and State Institutions, NGOs and financial and technical partners. Furthermore, four regional consultation workshops were held which identified the successes, obstacles encountered, challenges and recommendations that were the basis for the 2022-2027 Action Plan.
Burundi’s NAP is structured around several axes:
- Promotion of UNSCR 1325
- Equality and equity in men and women’s participation in decision-making positions and in peace-consolidation mechanisms
- Reinforce the legal framework for the prevention of conflicts and violence against women and girls
- Protection of rights and care for victims of sexual and gender-based violence
- Involvement of women and taking into account the needs of women and girls for the development and implementation of economic recovery programs
- Coordination and mobilization of financing for the implementation of NAP 2022-2027.
Burundi gained independence from Belgium in 1962, after an extensive period of colonial rule by the Belgian empire. The most recent armed conflict in Burundi’s history is the civil war, which started in 1993 following a military coup. The conflict resulted in the death and displacement of thousands of people. The Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement was signed in 2000, where women’s civil society members acted as formal observers. In 2015, Burundi witnessed a failed coup attempt, which led to ongoing social and political instability in the country, including human rights violations perpetrated by security forces. On the ground, women have played a key role in working towards preventing further violence and conflict through their role as mediators. In 2017, the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened an investigation regarding crimes against humanity in Burundi. Burundi then became the first country to leave the ICC.


Global Gender Gap Index 2022

Arms Trade Treaty Signed 2013

Military expenditure (2021)
$66.8 million USD
Explore Burundi's National Action Plan (2012-2016)
- Actors
- Timeframe
- Objectives
- Actions/Activities
- Indicators
- M&E
- Budget
- Disarmament
- 2012-2016
The Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender was responsible for the development of the third Action Plan for Burundi. This was done with information gathered from CSOs, State Ministries and institutions and UN and African Union agencies in the country about the challenges and lessons learnt from the second NAP.
The Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender is the main actor in the implementation of the NAP. It will coordinate all the actions of all the actors involved, which include: UN agencies, CSOs and NGOs, the Ministry of Interior, Community Development andPublic Security, the Ministry of Public Health and the fight against AIDS, the Ministry of Justice, the Geeneral Direction for the Pomotion of Women and Gender Equality, Department for the Prevention of Sexual Violence and Gender-based Violences, the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, and more.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The Monitoring of the Action Plan for 2022-2027 will be the responsibility of a Steering Committee that will include personnel from diverse actors including the ministries concerned, UN Agencies in Burundi and national and international NGOs. This Committee is chaired by the Permanent Secretariat of the Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender and vice-chaired by UN Women. Moreover, the Steering Committee also has a Technical Committee that is in charge of day-to-day monitoring of the NAP. The State Ministries that are included in the Committee are the Ministry of Justice; Interior, Community Development and Public Security; Finance, Budget and Economic Planning; National Education and Scientific Research; Defense and Veteran Affairs; Communication, Information, Technology and Media.
The NAP recognizes the role CSOs plates for the evaluation of the previous action plan, and include them in the Steering Committee. CSOs will be represented by Forum National Des Femmes, Reseaux Femmes et Paix, Fontaine Isoko, Search for Common Ground and Dushirehamwe. (Page 16)
Burundi’s third National Action Plan was established for the period 2022-2027.
Burundi’s third NAP has established a series of 10 objectives, all of which correspond to an axis. These are:
- Promote UNSCR 1325 and the implementation of the NAP 2022-2027.
- Contribute to a mentality change and the promotion of positive masculinities and femininities.
- Reinforce women’s leadership at all levels.
- Promote the level of representation of women and girls in the defense and security sectors.
- Improve the level of representation of women in the peace consolidation mechanisms
- Improve and implement the legal framework regarding gender equality.
- Increase access to local and quality care services and ensure free medical certificates
- Reduce the arduousness of housework for women and girls.
- Support the economic recovery of women and girls and their involvement in the development and implementation of community development programs and projects.
- Reinforce the coordination and the mobilization of funds for the implementation of the NAP 2022-2027 of UNSCR 1325.
The Burundian Action Plan establishes 99 activities to be implemented, all of which correspond to the established objectives and the expected results. Examples of these include: Organize open days on UNSCR 1325 and the NAP 2022-2027; Organize training sessions for women, men, boys and girls on the promotion of positive masculinity and femininity; Organize awareness sessions on sexual and reproductive health in each of the categories of defense and security corps; Implement an assistance fund for victims of sexual and gender-based violence; Support the implementation of community childcare centers.
Burundi’s NAP established 17 expected results, all of which have the axis as a correspondent framework and are linked with the activities. Moreover, there are indicators to the activities as well. Examples of these include:
Result 1.1.1: Stakeholders and communities become aware of UNSCR 1325 and the 2022-2027 NAP. Indicator 2: Number of actors having benefited from the UNSCR 1325 and the 2022-2027 NAP.
Result 1.1.2: Stakeholders take ownership of UNSCR 1325 and the 2022-2027 action plan. Indicator 1: Number of of stakeholders committed to implementing the 2022-2027 action plan on UNSCR 1325
Result 2.2.3: Men and Women adopt a behavior positive to gender equality Indicator 2: Number of sexual and gender-based violence cases that were judged and made the responsibles accountable
Result 2.3.4: Men and Women can access and participate equitably and effectively in political and technical positions and in decision-making bodies. Indicator 3: Percentage of men and women in technical positions and decision making positions in the public sector
Beyond the actors involved in the Monitoring and Evaluation Process, there is no further information on the monitoring and evaluation process.
The NAP recognizes the need of 73,280 million Burundian Francs for the entire implementation of the NAP.
The NAP does not include actions on disarmament.
NAP Development
Several civil society organizations have been involved in the drafting process of the NAP: Dushirehamwe, CAFOB (Burundi collective of women’s NGOs and associations), le Réseau des Femmes et alliées artisans de la paix (women’s and peacebuilders network), l’Association des femmes rapatriées du Burundi (Association of female returnees from Burundi).
The government bodies that were involved in development were the Ministries of Gender Issues; Defence; Public Security; Agriculture; Foreign Relations; Planning; Justice; National Solidarity and the Parliament.
A Steering Committee was also been created to work on the NAP development and is overseen by the Ministries of National Solidarity, Human and Gender Rights. The members of the Committee are the Ministries of Justice, National Defence and Veterans, Public Security, Agriculture and Livestock, Community Development, Finance and Economic Development Planning, Primary and Higher Education, Job training and Literacy, Internal Affairs, and Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation.
To be noted: The following international organizations were also involved in the development process of the NAP; UN-Women (which co-presides the Steering Committee), Femmes Africa Solidarité and Alert International.
NAP Implementation
Civil society will be involved in the implementation of some of the NAP activities either through partnerships with ministries or through the Steering Committee that has been created. Only one civil society organization will be part of the Steering Committee, however, it is not named.
To be noted: The NAP differentiates “women’s organizations” and “civil society” in the implementation phase. For example, civil society organisations will be involved in some of the phases and they might not necessarily be women’s organisations.
The following Government bodies will be involved in the implementation of the NAP: the Ministries of Justice; Defence and Veterans; Public Security; Agriculture and Livestock; Community Development; Finance and Economic Development Planning; Primary and Higher Education, Job training and Literacy; Internal Affairs; and Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation.
To be noted: The following international bodies will also contribute to the implementation of the NAP: UN-Women, UNDP, FAO, UNESCO, UNHCR, AU, and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).
NAP Monitoring and Evaluation
One civil society organization will be part of the Steering Committee that has been created to monitor the NAP implementation. This organisation will be part of the Committee Bureau and of its Secretary Department, however, the name is not specified.
Teams dedicated to monitoring the NAP implementation will be created within the Steering Committee and within the Ministry of Gender. They will be monitoring progress on a daily basis.
The NAP covers the period from 2012 inclusive of 2016. A table summarized how the implementation of each activity underlying the NAP is expected to progress, on a quarterly basis, between 2012 and 2016.
The NAP is composed of eight priority goals with nine sub-objectives:
- Promoting UNSCR 1325 implementation
- Ensuring men and women have equal and equitable access to decision-making positions, i.e. “women’s participation and empowerment”
- Strengthening mechanisms for protecting women’s rights in conflict and post-conflict times
- Reforming legal frameworks
- Including women’s and girls’ rights and needs in post-conflict programs
- Including women’s and girls’ rights and needs in post-conflict justice
- Ensuring women participate in peace negotiation process and peacekeeping missions
- Coordinating the implementation of UNSCR 1325
Each goal relies on a set of activities. For example, the first goal, “Promoting UNSCR 1325 implementation” relies on the following activities:
- Communicating on UNSCR 1325 on a national level to raise awareness on Women, Peace and Security issues
- Translating UNSRC1325 into Kirundi and disseminating it all over the country
- Ensuring UNSCR 1325 is properly disseminated in the countryside and isolated areas
- Organizing sessions on UNSCR 1325 for developing people’s ownership and common understanding of Women, Peace and Security issues on a national level (organizing one session per town on average)
- Initiating and implementing a national program for information, education and human security
- Voting on a resolution on how to develop ownership UNSCR 1325
- Implementing and processing local mechanisms to implement UNSCR 1325
- Integrating the NAP in Ministries’ sectoral policies
The indicators are specified for each activity underlying the NAP goals. For example, the indicators that will be used for assessing the implementation of the first objective “Promoting UNSCR 1325 implementation” are:
- Existence and availability of a NAP to promote UNSCR 1325
- Percentage of the population knowing about UNSCR 1325
- Number of people trained to disseminate information about UNSCR 1325
- Number of gender sensitivity trainings organized and number of people trained
- Availability of a document on the educational and information program on peace and human security
- Number of training sessions organized on the educational and information program on peace and human security
- Number of sector policies taking UNSCR 1325 into account
Monitoring and Evaluation
Strengthening the monitoring process is one of the activities underlying goal eight, i.e. coordinating the implementation of UNSCR 1325.
Monitoring will be performed on a daily basis by a team created within the Steering Committee and a team created within the Ministry of Gender will be responsible for this goal. Training will be provided to these teams to enhance their understanding of UNSCR 1325.
The total budget for this NAP is $25mln and divided per goal.
- Goal 1: $1.4mln
- Goal 2: $1.3mln
- Goal 3: $0.8mln
- Goal 4: $1.6mln
- Goal 5: $5.6mln
- Goal 6: $12mln
- Goal 7: $1.7 mln
- Goal 8: $1.8mln
A table summarizes budgets allocated to each activity on a yearly basis.
The NAP does not contain activities on disarmament.