Chad adopted its first National Action Plan in 2023 for the period 2023-2027. The objective of the NAP is to reinforce the role of women in peacekeeping processes and the prevention and resolution of conflicts, according to the WPS Agenda. It was launched by the Ministry of Gender and National Solidarity.
The NAP development process began in 2019, and built on proposals made by over 200 women leaders who participated in training sessions on WPS and prevention of violent extremism. Over the course of several years, the NAP was drafted and validated by various ministries and stakeholders, who were also trained on UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace and Security agenda.
The NAP situates itself within the current context in Chad and the Sahel region. It articulates how the context for WPS implementation in Chad is one where multiple conflicts and crises inside Chad, as well as the spillover effects of other conflicts including from Libya, Sudan, and armed groups such as Boko Haram, are impacting daily life and causing insecurity.
Chad served on the UN Security Council between 2014-2015.


Global Gender Gap Index 2023

Arms Trade Treaty Ratified

Military expenditure (2021)
$330.998 million USD
Explore Chad's National Action Plan
- Actors
- Timeframe
- Objectives
- Actions/Activities
- Indicators
- M&E
- Budget
- Disarmament
The process of developing the National Action Plan (NAP) began in 2019. A mapping of priorities in terms of Women, Peace and Security priorities (see pages 11-13). Following the mapping in 2019, a roadmap for the development of the NAP was drawn up and submitted by GNWP and PILC to the inclusive, interministerial inter-ministerial committee. This committee was set up on October 9, 2020, with a mandate to coordinate and monitor NAP development activities. It is made up of Ministry officials in charge of gender, focal points from key sectoral ministries representatives of civil society organizations and development partners. development partners.
In October 2021, committee members were trained in Resolution 1325 and asked to develop draft NAP objectives relating to the four pillars of the WPS program: participation, protection, prevention and recovery. Local consultations then took place in Abéché, Bol, Bongor, Mongo, Moundou and Koumra on December 21, 2021, followed by Fada, Faya and Kalait from February 9 to 15 2022.
Three sectoral consultations were held in N'Djamena, bringing together key ministries from March 9 to 10, 2022, March 28 to 29, 2022 and April 12 to 13, 2022. April 2022. The following ministries took part in the consultations:
- Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization
- Ministry, Delegate to the Presidency, in charge of National Defense
- Ministry of National Education and Civic Promotion
- Ministry of Vocational Education
- Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- Ministry of State for National Reconciliation and Dialogue
- Ministry of Youth and Sport
- Ministry of Justice, Keeper of the Seals
- Ministry of Public Security
Writing workshops for the NAP were held in N'Djamena, bringing together members of the members of committee 1325, representatives of key ministries, supporting and consultants from May 3 to 6 and May 9 to 10, 2022.
A second national consultation was held on August 3, 2022, and enabled the NAP to be technical validation of the NAP, subject to the comments and observations comments and observations of all stakeholders and the estimated costs of cost estimates for its operationalization.
The NAP implementation will have multiple sectors and to ensure its success, a number of values or guiding principles are necessary. These are :
- Political will: the translation of strong political will by by allocating the necessary government resources to enable diligent implementation of the NAP;
- Inclusion: the inclusion of all stakeholders through their involvement and consideration, particularly at the local or provincial level, in the formulation and implementation of the formulation and implementation of the NAP;
- Sustainability: this means providing the Steering Committee with a Charter defining the mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of NAP 1325 to ensure the impact and sustainability of NAP actions; and
- Partnership: the commitment of multilateral and bilateral partners to support the NAP 1325 implementation process.
The main implementation tools are :
- Annual work plans. These translate the NAP 1325 into operational annual operational tranches to facilitate execution;
- A communication strategy. The aim of this strategy is to disseminate communications around the NAP 1325, with the aim of reaching all local and local populations;
- Annual reports on the implementation of the NAP 1325 produced by the coordination. These provide an assessment of the situation and recommendations for implementation strategy;
- Evaluation reports. These include the mid-term evaluation report and the final evaluation report. They will be produced by an independent expertise; and
- Technical and financial audit reports, produced by an independent expert.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The monitoring and evaluation plan for the implementation of the NAP 1325 may include a National Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (or Steering Committee), and the NAP 1325 Elaboration and Monitoring Committee (or Technical M&E Committee).
The implementation period for the Chad NAP is 2023-2027.
The general goal is to reinforce the role of women in peacekeeping processes, the prevention and resolution of conflicts, according to the WPS Agenda. The NAP also has specific objectives:
- Ensure the full, meaningful and effective participation of women and girls in local, regional and national decision-making and improve their access to information and communication and communication technologies.
- Strengthen the application of laws concerning the protection of women's rights including national, regional and international legal mechanisms, including access to justice for women activists and human rights defenders.
- Ensure the involvement of women and girls in conflict prevention at all levels, including mechanisms for regulating and controlling and control of small arms and light weapons.
- Ensure the mental, physical and economic well-being of women and girls affected by conflict, in particular displaced, returnee and displaced, returnee and refugee women and girls.
- Guarantee effective representation of women in conflict prevention and resolution at various levels.
- Break down obstacles and barriers to women's participation in conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms, and to enhance their skills.
- Coordinate actions for peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution, in line with the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.
Each area of work has different actions assigned. For example, objective 1.3., “Guarantee the participation of women in the security and defense forces”, includes several actions:
- Conduct a baseline survey to identify the presence of women in the Army.
- Organize one advocacy session per year with high-ranking officials for the empowerment of women.
- Organize three training sessions for men and women on resolution 1325.
- Organize five awareness-raising sessions for the general general public for enrolment and participation of women and women and young women in the Chadian National Armée Nationale Tchadienne
Each objective has a number of listed indicators. For example, objective 2.3, “Guarantee the protection of women activists and human rights defenders”, includes several indicators:
- Raise awareness among 70% of safety authorities the role of women activists and women human rights defenders.
- Promote (adopt) legal and political level protection of women activists and defenders of human rights, particularly at the judicial and political levels.
Several evaluations will be carried out as part of the NAP's implementation. The aim will be to take stock of implementation and the achievement of objectives specific criteria such as the evolution of indicators and financial financial performance. Two main evaluations will be carried out: An interim (mid-term) evaluation; and a final evaluation.
The budget is divided into five parts. For participation, the budget is US$ 7 602 941,46; for protection, the budget is US$ 6 948 876,19; for prevention, the budget is US$ 3 037 119,83; for relief and recovery, the budget is US$ 7 912 576,84; for M&E, the budget is US$ 191 040,00 (split throughout the 5 years).
Objective 4.2, “guaranteeing access to justice for victims and survivors of conflict and violence” includes provisions on disarmament. Objective 4.2.2. is to put in place a system of demobilization, disarmament and gender-sensitive DDR for 1,000 (a thousand) women combatants during the conflicts.