Togo adopted its first National Action Plan (NAP) in 2011 for the period 2011-2016. The NAP does not specify which government entity was responsible for the development of the NAP. The NAP identifies its overall objective as increasing women’s participation in all levels of decision-making in conflict prevention, management, and resolution as well as in peacebuilding processes. The NAP additionally identifies short, medium, and long-term objectives, only some of which have corresponding indicators. The monitoring and evaluation framework of the NAP consists of periodical meetings of the Steering Committee, which consists of women civil society organizations and pertinent government entities, mid-term review of the activities, and monitoring reports. The NAP does not have an allocated budget.
Togo reported on the implementation of its NAP in its national reporting for Beijing+25 and in preparation for CSW64 (2020). Specifically, the country indicated that it had adopted a NAP for the period 2018-2022 (p. 61).
Togo gained independence from France in 1960, after an extensive period of colonial rule under the German, British, and French empires. Togo does not have a recent history of armed conflict, but experienced multiple military coups throughout its history. In 2019, Togo was among the top 5 countries in the world with the biggest increase in their military expenditure, with a 70% increase in its military spending. Togo is also a major contributor to peacekeeping operations.
At the multilateral level, Togo most recently served as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2012-2013.


Global Gender Gap Index 2020
110 out of 153

Arms Trade Treaty Ratified

Military expenditure (2019)
$171 million USD
Explore Togo's National Action Plan
- Actors
- Timeframe
- Objectives
- Actions/Activities
- Indicators
- M&E
- Budget
- Disarmament
NAP Development
Women’s organizations and some unions have been involved in the NAP development, however, it does not indicate which organizations.
The NAP development process is not described in detail. The Togo Government has been involved in the NAP development, but there is no information as to the bodies who drafted the NAP. To be noted that the UN has also contributed to drafting the NAP.
NAP Implementation
Women’s organizations will be responsible for the implementation of some of the NAP activities, together with development partners and some government agencies, however, the NAP does not specify which women’s organizations will be involved.
The Government and the Parliament will be responsible for implementing some of the NAP activities, however, the NAP does not say which Government bodies will be involved. A committee will be created within a Ministry (although not specified yet) to coordinate the implementation of the NAP and facilitates the activities of the actors involved in the implementation process.
NAP Monitoring and evaluation
Women’s organizations will be part of the committee that will be created especially for monitoring the NAP implementation, however, the NAP does not specify which women’s organizations will be involved.
The Ministry that will have created the implementation committee will be part of a second committee, especially created to monitor the NAP implementation.
The NAP has a five-year lifetime (2011-2016) and may be revised after two years and during the last year. A table states the period and implementation deadline for each activity. The earliest implementation steps were expected to happen in September 2011 and the latest are expected to be processed at the end of the NAP lifetime.
The NAP has one general objective and three specific objectives broken down by timeframe.
The general objective of the NAP is to “increase women’s participation in at all levels of the decision-making process, especially in conflict prevention, management and resolution as well as in peacekeeping processes”.
The NAP has the following specific objectives:
- Short-term objective (6 months):
- Foster efficient and sustainable solutions promoting negotiations as a mean to solve conflicts and issues on the long-term
- Mid-term objectives (18 months):
- Support stakeholders’ ownership of the NAP and dialogue between stakeholders.
- Conduct advocacy with national authorities to guarantee the NAP is adopted and UNSCR1325 and UNSCR 1820 are implemented in close cooperation with involved stakeholders
- Develop women’s values and know-how relative to peace, dialogue promotion and consensus building in decision-making processes (especially in political processes)
- Advocate for women’s inclusion in peace support missions
- Value women’s competences in negotiation techniques, peaceful conflict management and traditional ethics and strategies for conflict solving.
- Ensure national policies include measures dedicated to empowering women and giving them the ability to work on conflict prevention and peace promotion
- Long-term objectives (between 18 months and 5 years):
- Support and contribute to the reforming program for the security sector in Togo as well as to reducing the circulation of small arms
- Study the root causes of recent violence inherent in the national political system, lead research studies on local practices and traditions relative to conflict solving and tolerance promotion.
- Commemorating all days related to gender or gender-based violence
- Promoting and contributing to the national policy on UNSCR1325 and UNSCR1820
- Promoting peace culture
- Integrating gender issues in decision-making processes
The NAP indicates quantifiable indicators for only some activities which include:
- Gender-based violence repression rate;
- Number of educator clubs created;
- Number of women ready (i.e. trained and operational) to work as peace and security mediators;
- Number of women involved in peace infrastructures, government institutions and public administrations;
- Number of women sensitized to and engaged in decision-making and political processes;
- Rate of women’s participation in public life;
- Number of women involved in the government; constitutional council and parliament.
The monitoring process of the NAP will be performed through periodical meetings of the Steering Committee, mid-term review of the activities, execution and monitoring reports. A committee, composed of women leaders from civil society organizations, representatives of the Ministry that will be designated to be in charge of this project, and development partners will be in charge of the monitoring process. This committee will collaborate with the stakeholders involved in the NAP implementation.
No budget is explicitly specified in the NAP. Nevertheless, financial resources are mentioned as being critical to achieve the objectives of the NAP. The NAP gives some information as to resource mobilization via lobbying, but this applies to the whole set of resources that will be necessary to implement the NAP and does not focus on financial resources.
The NAP states that an expert committee -composed of government members, civil society organizations and development partners- will gather to discuss resource mobilisation (no particular information on financing resources).