In 2021, Peru adopted for the first time a National Action Plan (NAP), entitled “From Acceptance to Inclusion”. In February of 2021, a Task Force Group was created with the mission of developing the Action Plan alongside the Ministry of Defense. This NAP focuses heavily on women’s participation in the country’s Armed Forces, including UN Peacekeeping missions, and to ensure specialized training for military personnel on human rights protection.
The actors held a meeting to review the Gender Equality Committee’s results, UNSCR 1325, the Gender Toolkit of the Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and UN Women. The actors also reviewed similar action plans and other good practices implemented by other countries (Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, and Chile). The review was extended to a local document called “Women in the Armed Forces and Peacekeeping Missions”. The process of the NAP was also assessed and supported by international actors such as UN Women, DCAF, Government of Canada, Government of Mexico.

CEDAW Ratification

Global Gender Gap Index 2022
37 out of 146

Arms Trade Treaty Ratification

Military expenditure (2019)
$2.361 billion
Explore Peru's National Action Plan
- Actors
- Timeframe
- Objectives
- Actions/Activities
- Indicators
- M&E
- Budget
- Disarmament
For the development of the National Action Plan, the Ministry of Defense sent seven representatives, the Joint Command of the Armed Forces (CCFFAA) sent two representatives, the National Army also sent two representatives, the Navy sent one, and the Air Forces sent one representative. All in all, the actors involved in the process were part of the National Armed Forces.
There is no clear timeframe for the implementation of the NAP.
- To promote the empowerment and participation of women in the Armed Forces, motivating a transition from acceptance to inclusion.
- To strengthen military training on gender equality in Peace Operations and other aspects related to UNSCR 1325, in addition to promoting knowledge and dissemination of it.
- To incorporate the principle of equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in planning and specialized training.
- To promote the participation of women in peacekeeping missions in the position of observers, general staff and contingent.
- To raise awareness of the importance of the present and historical contribution of women in national defense.
- To identify the needs to carry out a diagnosis of barriers and regulatory and logistical aspects that allow a more adequate incorporation of women in the defense sector (clothing, footwear, infrastructure, among others).
- Promote the presence and participation of women in the Peace Operations courses aimed at the deployment of personnel such as Mission Experts, members of the General Staff and Military Contingents.
- Deploy female personnel in Peace Operations under the framework of the Strategy established by the United Nations to increase female participation in Peace Operations.
- Implement ways to increase female participation in Peacekeeping Operations individually or collectively.
Relief and Recovery
- Establish agreements to implement compliance with the provisions of the United Nations for the protection of the human rights of women and girls in Peace Operations.
- Disseminate in the national, regional and international scenario, the experience and lessons learned on the protection of the human rights of women and girls in Peace Operations.
- Support the initiatives of the United Nations in the framework of compliance with UNSCR 1325.
- Incorporate personnel who fulfill the function of disseminating information on the ground, as part of the structure of the Contingents deployed in Peacekeeping Operations.
Peru’s NAP does not present concrete actions or activities for Prevention or Protection and instead they introduce a brief paragraph with an overview of each pillar. However, there is no coherence between the general objectives of the Plan and the following pillars.
This area consists of increasing the number of people who are trained in Women’s Empowerment and Gender Analysis, as well as increasing the number of hours of training for Peace Operations with a gender perspective, conflict prevention and peace processes. On the other hand, Peru will seek to increase the number of academic articles and academic events on Women, Peace and Security to ensure a wider education on the topic.
This area consists of strengthening and expanding measures to guarantee the security, physical and mental integrity, sexual and reproductive health, well-being, economic autonomy and dignity of women and girls; in respecting and guaranteeing the full exercise of the human rights of women and girls, incorporating the gender perspective in the institutions that play a role in peace, conflict and post-conflict operations.
For each objective and subsequent action the NAP contains a plan with specific indicators. For example, for the first objective of “incorporating a gender perspective to the responsible entities for the management of peace and security of the Defense Sector”, an indicator is the number of people who are trained in gender and women empowerment. This information can be found pages 13-16.
For monitoring and evaluation, Peru requires an intersectoral coordination, which contains the Committee for Gender Equality of the Ministry of Defense. This committee integrates other institutions that aim to implement and monitor the proposes, objectives, and activities of the Action Plan. On this topic, the NAP recommends that even though it is limited to the scope of the Ministry of Defense, gender policy should be transversal to other public policies, in which case the Presidency of the Council of Ministers should be able to integrate other sectors in the design, implementation and monitoring of the purposes of UNSCR 1325. For this reason, for the process of monitoring and evaluation, other institutions are to be integrated, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, the MInistry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice, among others that are not mentioned explicitly.
The NAP does not detail the process of budgeting, however, there is a note on the document which reads: “Each institution included in the implementation of this NAP must include in its annual budget an item destined to the financing of the activities that correspond to them”.
There are no specific actions related to disarmament in the Peruvian NAP.