Lithuania adopted its second National Action Plan (NAP) in 2020, for the period 2020-2024.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, the 2020-2024 NAP “aims to strengthen women’s role in the building of peace and to promote their participation in security and democratic processes at the national and international levels”, taking into account prior implementation of WPS at the national and regional levels. The development of the NAP considered the experience gained over twenty years of the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, the conclusions of the Council of the European Union (EU) on Women, Peace and Security, and the provisions of the EU Action Plan regarding the Women, Peace and Security Agenda 2019-2024. It contains objectives, targets, activities, expected results and an allocated budget. It will be implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Ministry of Health, and the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior, and will be monitored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Lithuania adopted its first NAP in 2011, which identified three overarching objectives: increase the participation of women in conflict prevention as well as military and civilian operations and missions; raise awareness about UNSCR 1325 among Lithunian society and educate the personnel of pertinent institutions; contribute to international initiatives to implement UNSCR 1325, specifically on women’s security and protection of women’s rights. Lithuania reported on the implementation of its NAP in its national reporting for Beijing+25 and in preparation for CSW64 (2020).
The 2020 NAP approaches the implementation of Women, Peace and Security and gender equality at both the domestic and international levels. It changes the focus of national action somewhat from 2015, encompassed by four overarching goals: to promote women’s leadership in international peace processes; to promote gender equality; to intensify international cooperation for the Agenda issues; to advise state institutions, non-governmental organizations on the issues of the Agenda, to raise public awareness. Each objective has corresponding goals, actions, responsible actors, a broad implementation timetable and allocated budget. The 2020 NAP does not have a monitoring and evaluation framework specified.
Lithuania gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1990. The country does not have a recent history of armed conflict; nevertheless, Lithuania has been experiencing ongoing tension with Russia as a result of the latter’s military activities, including placement of troops and ballistic missiles, in the Baltic Sea Region. Between 2010 and 2019, Lithuania increased its military spending by 232 percent.
Lithuania is also a contributor to humanitarian aid, including being a contributing donor to the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund, a global partnership that works to empower women in conflict zones and humanitarian crises.
At the multilateral level, Lithuania most recently served as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2014-2015.


Global Gender Gap Index 2020
33 out of 153

Arms Trade Treaty Ratified

Military expenditure (2019)
$1.084 billion USD
Explore Lithuania's National Action Plan
- Actors
- Timeframe
- Objectives
- Actions/Activities
- Indicators
- M&E
- Budget
- Disarmament
- 2011
NAP Development
The 2020-2024 NAP was developed by Lithuania’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The NAP does not specify civil society involvement during the development process.
NAP Implementation
The NAP will be implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry of National Defence; the Ministry of the Interior; the Ministry of Social Security and Labour; the Ministry of Health (Institute of Hygiene); and the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior.
NAP monitoring and evaluation
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will monitor the implementation of the NAP.
The implementation period for Lithuania’s NAP is five years (2020-2024).
The NAP is organized into four overarching goals (called tasks) (p. 8)
- Promote women leadership in international peace processes: this task addresses the inclusion of women in peace operations and missions, in institutions, and as diplomats and peace mediators
- To promote gender equality: this task includes increasing knowledge of mechanisms that prevent, combat and handle violence, sexual exploitation, abuse, and gender-based harassment and violence, including institution staff and soldiers; also preparing a report on Availability of Healthcare for Women and Girls who Have Experienced Domestic Violence.
- To intensify international cooperation for the issues of the Agenda: this task includes agenda-setting within the OSCE, EU, NATO and other high-ranking multilateral meetings, knowledge-sharing and attending expert meetings on the WPS agenda.
- To advise state institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the issues of the Agenda, to raise public awareness: this task includes agenda-setting for trainings for EU missions, international operations, diplomatic missions etc.; training civil servants and soldiers; researching the role of gender in different socioeconomic environments during conflict; supporting NGOs with WPS competence and dissemination of information.
The NAP breaks each of the four overarching tasks into specific actions, called measures, along with the period of implementation in years (p. 3-9).
For example, task 2 of ‘To promote gender equality’ encompasses four measures including:
- ‘To evaluate the possibility of appointing gender advisers in the Ministry of National Defence and/or other institutions of the national defence system and, if possible, establishing positions for gender advisers in these institutions’ (p. 4)’
- Timeline: 2020-2024
- ‘To inform soldiers and staff at national defence institutions on how to contribute to the fight against all forms of violence against women, including sexual exploitation, violence, and harassment, especially in the event of a crisis, threat, or conflict.’ (p. 5)
- Timeline: 2020-2024
Each measure set out under the broader tasks has an indicator of implementation called ‘Results to be achieved’. They are broad, and mostly qualitative indicators. The relevant implementing authorities are also included (p. 3-9).
For example, Task 1 of ‘Promote women leadership in international peace processes’ includes measure ‘1.5. To train and consult potential peace mediators on Agenda topics and to strengthen their skills’.
- Result to be achieved: ‘At least 3 potential peace mediators trained’ (p. 4)
- Implementing authorities: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Although the NAP indicates that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will monitor its implementation, no framework for monitoring and evaluation was included, nor was an action or measure to formulate one.
The NAP stipulates that “The Action Plan shall be implemented with the appropriations from the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania allocated to the responsible executors” (p. 1). The measures are allocated an appropriation (in EUR) per year per executor, as necessary. For instance, under Task 1 “Promote women leadership in international peace processes”, the measure “1.4 To make a list of potential peace mediators” has no budget allocated. Measure ‘4.4 Depending on the authority, to help non-governmental organizations develop competence on Agenda issues, to disseminate information, and to promote participation in international forums’ has an appropriation of €1000 per year each for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Social Security and Labour.
Lithuania's NAP does not address disarmament nor the gendered impacts of weapons such as small arms.
NAP Development
The 2011 NAP does not specify civil society involvement in the NAP development process.
The National Programme of Equal Opportunities for Women and Men for 2010-2014, approved by th Government, for the first time raises the issues of equality of women and men in the system of national defense.
NAP Implementation
The institutions responsible for the implementation of the actions of the Plan will more closely cooperate with non-governmental organisations for women, the Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson and the Centres for Gender Studies of the universities. It is necessary that the society, particularly young people, become familiar with the Resolution and accepts it. Expanding the involvement of women in peacekeeping operations and missions both in the civilian and military fields.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Plan Coordinator), The Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the Ministry of Health, and the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior.
NAP Monitoring and Evaluation
The NAP does not specify civil society involvement in the NAP monitoring and evaluation process.
The NAP does not provide details on the monitoring and evaluation process.
General timeframe not specified. However, timeframe of implementation in every activity is mentioned in Lituania's NAP. Example: 1.1.4
When participating in international operations and missions , to organise events, meetings and lectures for local women and their organisations on the social integration of women.
Every year
Responsible Ministry
Ministry of National Defense
There are three objectives identified under Lithuania's NAP:
- To motivate women to work in the fields of prevention of conflicts in national, regional and international institutions, to take part in international military and civilian operations and missions and, when participating there, to pay greater attention to solving the problems of local women
- To present the National Action Plan implementing the UNSC Resolution 1325 to the Lithuanian society, as well as to educate and to train the personnel of institutions on the issues raised in the UNSC Resolution 1325
- To actively contribute to international initiatives supporting and implementing the UNSC Resolution 1325 and its supplementing documents, particularly in the fields of women's security and protection of women's rights
Activities are mentioned under each Objective, along with details on Implementation Timetable and Responsible Institution.
For example, objective 3 offers three actions: To support international initiatives for participation in international projects and events that implement the provisions of the UNSC Resolution 1325 and to support the initiatives for the protection of women's rights; To organise an international conference on the topic of the UNSC Resolution No. 1325 and its implementation; To support the rule of law initiatives, including gender-sensitive efforts, by creating a legal system in post-conflict countries and by delegating prosecutors and police officers to positions in the rule of law missions.
The NAP does not identify measurable indicators.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The NAP does not have a monitoring and evaluation framework.
Lithuania’s NAP indicates that the necessary funds have been identified. However, it doesn’t provide further details about the financing of the NAP.
The NAP does not address disarmament.