In December 2021, The Republic of Kazakhstan approved its first National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 to promote human rights, gender equality, and a life free from discrimination for women and girls. It is a five-page document that intends to implement the WPS agenda in government policies through a wide range of activities. These include an increase in the number of women participating in defense-related activities especially in relation to conflict prevention and resolution; the implementation of a gender perspective in the security and defense system; and the prevention of gender-based violence through the media. Kazakhstan was a non-permanent member in the UN Security Council once, between 2017-2018.


Global Gender Gap Index 2020
65 out of 146

Arms Trade Treaty
Acceded 2017

Military expenditure (2019)
$1.617 billion USD
Explore Kazakhstan's National Action Plan
- Actors
- Timeframe
- Objectives
- Actions/Activities
- Indicators
- M&E
- Budget
- Disarmament
The Action Plan was developed by the National Commission for Women’s Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy, whose work is under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The United Nations representatives in Kazakhstan also contributed to the development of the NAP, including UN Women and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
The actors listed as responsible for the implementation of the NAP are: the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Center for Human Rights, the National Commission on Women's Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy, the Ministry of Education and Science, the General Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of National Economy and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The NAP also considers the participation of the UN, particularly the personnel of UN Women in Kazakhstan, as a key stakeholder for its implementation.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Kazakhstan’s NAP lacks mentions of which actors are responsible for monitoring and evaluation. However, there are indicators that can be used to assess progress on the implementation of the NAP.
Civil Society
Throughout the text, the participation of CSOs, NGOs, or activists is rarely mentioned and focused under goals one and three as participants and attendants of courses, consultations, training, and roundtables. There is a proposal under goal one to include engagement with civil society on conflict prevention and protection of women in relation to media, diffusion, and awareness of UNSCR 1325, as well as a proposal to hold regional and sub-regional consultations on WPS with women and men civil society activists and representatives on conflict resolution and stability and security, and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms. There are no mentions of civil society collaborating in the development of the NAP.
The timeframe for the implementation of the NAP is 2022-2025.
The main objectives of the NAP are:
- Equal participation of women and men in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
- Prevent violence against women and girls and ensure their protection, especially in conflict settings.
- Promote gender-sensitive leadership development and gender-responsive budgeting.
Through the Republic of Kazakhstan’s Action Plan, the proposed actions are set in line with the three objectives. Some examples of these actions are as follows:
Women’s and Men’s Participation in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding
- Training of female military advisors on gender issues and protection of civilians and children
- Creation of a database and record of women in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the General Prosecutor’s Office at the decision-making level
- Involvement of female diplomatic personnel in negotiations and consultations on disarmament and nonproliferation and international security
- Regional and sub-regional consultations on WPS with women and men civil society activists and representatives in conflict resolution and stability and security, and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms.
- Preparation and inclusion of a section on the participation of women and men in the “Gender Policy in Contemporary Kazakhstan Society” study on conflict prevention and peacebuilding, including the development of recommendations to further promote gender policy
- Training sessions for journalists and press services on equal and comprehensive participation of women and men in preventing and resolving conflicts, ensuring peace and security, and preventing violence against women.
- Development and implementation of a media plan to promote UNSC resolutions regarding the equal and full participation of women in conflict prevention and resolution, peace, and security, and prevention of violence against women.
Preventing violence against women and girls in their protection, especially in conflict settings
- Online conference “International cooperation on women's regional security in a new era”
- Training on economic development of women in conflict and post-conflict situations in cooperation with the EU and UN Women.
Promoting gender aspect, leadership development, and gender-responsive budgeting
- Leadership training for female military personnel and women of law enforcement agencies and peacekeeping units.
- Report on the appointment of women to senior positions in law enforcement, defense, judicial and diplomatic services.
- Online roundtable “Role of Women in Peace and Security,” with the participation of CSOs.
Kazakhstan’s National Action Plan proposes diverse indicators regarding the outcomes, indicated under the different goals identified above. More specific indicators will be identified in the implementation plan.
Examples of outcomes under objective number one include:
- The number of new treaties that include mediation clauses to prevent and solve conflicts
- The number of training sessions and participants of training and courses on gender issues and protection of civilians and children
- A database that records the number of women and their participation in diverse levels of the Government.
- The number of women who participate in negotiations and consultation on disarmament and nonproliferation and international security
- The publication of the study "Gender Policy in Contemporary Kazakhstan Society," was a result of the Government’s participation in it.
- Evidence of the development and implementation of a media plan on awareness of the WPS agenda
Kazakhstan’s National Action Plan does not consider monitoring or evaluation mechanisms, nor assigns responsibilities on this issue.
According to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, most of the activities planned don’t require focused funding. Those that require funding will be financed through the Central Government Budget in the following areas:
- 001 "Formation of state policy in the area of information and social development," subprogram
- 003 "Conducting state information policy"
- 009 "Ensuring the implementation of projects carried out jointly with international organizations”
- 103 "Conducting sociological and analytical study and consulting services"
Through the labor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the General Prosecutor's Office, the NAP seeks to promote further participation of female personnel in international negotiations and consultations on disarmament and non-proliferation.