Chile adopted its most recent National Action Plan (NAP) in 2015 for the period 2015-2018. The NAP was developed by the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Ministry of National Defense, and the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity in consultation with civil society organizations. The NAP identifies its objectives based on the primary pillars of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda and seeks to incorporate a gender perspective across all activities; promote women’s meaningful participation in peace negotiations; protect the wellbeing of women and girls; and increase women’s access to recovery aid based on specific needs. The NAP is focused on national efforts to increase the roles of women in decision-making positions related to conflict prevention and overall gender mainstreaming. The includes indicators and a monitoring framework to evaluate implementation. The NAP does not include an allocated budget, and instead states that each coordinating institution is responsible for financing the identified activities through their annual budget.
Chile’s second NAP is preceded by one other NAP adopted in 2009, without a specific timeframe of implementation. One of the objectives of the first NAP is “to consider Resolution 1325 as a general Chilean foreign policy objective, and incorporate its requirements into bilateral and multilateral activities” (p. 16). As such, the NAP approaches the implementation of the WPS agenda mostly internationally, focusing on conflict and post-conflict contexts as well as gender mainstreaming in peace and conflict matters, increasing women’s representation in overseas peacekeeping missions. In comparison to its first NAP, Chile’s second NAP has clearer indicators to monitor and assess if identified goals are reached. This revision was the result of a review conducted to assess the implementation of the first NAP, which found out that there was a need to create a more flexible and measurable action plan. Despite the improvements of its monitoring and evaluation framework, the updated NAP is similar in terms of its objectives, continuing to interpret WPS implementation mostly internationally.
Chile does not have a history of recent armed conflict, but experienced a military coup in 1973, with subsequent military rule under Augusto Pinochet that lasted until 1990. The period of military dictatorship resulted in severe human rights violations, including forced disappearances, especially against the critics of the political regime. In 2019, Chile experienced country-wide protests emanating from the social and economic inequalities remnant of the Pinochet era. The protests resulted in a referendum that took place in 2020, with an overwhelming majority voting in favor of a new constitution. Feminist activists played a pivotal role leading up to the referandum, popularizing the slogans “never again without women” and “we are half, we want half” to demand that women hold equal representation in the constitutional convention.
At the multilateral level, Chile most recently served as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2014-2015.


Global Gender Gap Index 2020
57 out of 153

Arms Trade Treaty Ratified

Military expenditure (2019)
$5 billion USD
Explore Chile's National Action Plan
- Actors
- Timeframe
- Objectives
- Action/Activities
- Indicators
- M&E
- Budget
- Disarmament
NAP Development
Certain non-governmental institutions were included in the development of the NAP such as the National Institute for Human Rights, the Center for Human Rights (University of Chile) and the Regional Center for Human Rights. The updated NAP also claims to incorporate CSO recommendations; however, it is not explicitly mentioned which recommendations have been acted upon and which CSOs have submitted these recommendations.
WILPF does not have a country section in Chile and therefore was not involved in the development process of Chile’s NAP.
The NAP was developed mainly by the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Ministry of National Defense, and the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity. Other actors were involved such as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies, the Joint Center for Peace Operations of Chile
NAP Implementation
Chile's NAP does not outline any CSO involvement in the implementation phase.
For the implementation of the NAP, the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity formed part of the implementation of the NAP
NAP Monitoring and Evaluation
Unlike the previous NAP, this NAP specifies the roles of CSO in the monitoring and evaluation of certain objectives related to the involvement of civil society. For example, for the objective “promoting the inclusion of a gender perspective in all activities related to the construction, maintenance and consolidation of peace”, civil society organisations along with the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Women and Gender Equity and the Ministry of Foreign affairs will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the development and dissemination of standards of conduct to prevent the violation of the rights of women and girls in the development of peace operations.
The NAP will be monitored and evaluated annually by an Inter Ministerial committee made up of representatives of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity.
The second NAP has been implemented for a period of four years 2015-2018.
The main objectives of this second NAP is to implement four pillars of the WPS Agenda: prevention, participation, protection, relief and recovery.
- Prevention consists of incorporating a gender perspective in all activities and strategies aimed at preventing conflict and maintaining peace. This theme also focuses on the creation of mechanisms and effective institutions that will ensure a gender perspective in any efforts to prevent violence against women and girls.
- Participation consists of promoting and supporting the meaningful participation of women in all parts of peace processes and ensuring their representation in all levels of decision-making related to prevention and ending of conflict. It also includes strengthening the relationships between national and international organisations of women’s rights defenders.
- Protection focuses on strengthening and amplifying the measures taken to guarantee security, physical and mental integrity, sexual and reproductive health, well being, economic autonomy and the dignity of women and girls. This aims to respect and guarantee the full exercise of the human rights of women and girls, while incorporating a gender perspective in the institutions that play a role in peace, conflict and post-conflict operations.
- Relief and recovery pertains to the promotion of equal access for women to mechanisms and services for the distribution of aid, particularly those related to the specific needs of women and girls in all recovery efforts, such as during the transition of justice.
Each objective has specific actions assigned. For example, the first objective (“Prevention”) requires relevant actors to
- Develop training and / or workshops in the Diplomatic Academy and ANEPE related to gender matters in peace operations;
-Promote the preparation of academic articles on the theme of women, peace and security;
- Encourage the conduct of academic research related to the topic of women,
peace and security;
- Organise and hold workshops and/or seminars for public officials which provide for the dissemination of international instruments related to women, peace and security.
Each objective of the NAP includes a system of indicators that serve to verify and control the implementation of each objectives in a foreseeable timeframe. For example, for the first objective related to prevention, more specifically, “Promote the inclusion of perspective of gender in all the activities of construction, maintenance and consolidation Peace”, the indicators are: - Number of thematic units training about gender, UNSCR 1325 as a system, International Instruments of Human Rights and/or International Humanitarian Law - Number of trainings made on gender perspective in the pre-deployment and post-deployment
The NAP will be monitored and evaluated annually by an Inter Ministerial committee made up of representatives of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity.
Each coordinating institution must include in its annual budget an item destined to the financing of the activities that correspond to them according to the objectives of this NAP. Likewise, it is recommended to consider the aforementioned item to the participating institutions.
There is no mention of disarmament in the updated NAP.