Angola adopted its first National Action Plan (NAP) in 2017 for the period 2017-2020. The NAP was developed by the Ministry for Family and Promotion of Women and the Ministry of National Defense and Interior. The NAP does not mention civil society involvement in the NAP development process, but does include civil society as a responsible entity for the implementation of certain objectives. The NAP has six overall objectives, including increasing women’s participation in peacebuilding processes; providing women and girls with training on peacebuilding processes, including on gender equality; promoting and protecting the rights of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict settings; raising awareness about the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda; and gender-responsive budgeting. Each objective has corresponding actions as well as an allocated budget.
Angola reported on the implementation of its NAP and the WPS Agenda in its national reporting (available only in Portuguese) for Beijing+25 and in preparation for CSW64 (2020).
Angola gained independence from Portugal in 1975, following a 15-year war for liberation. Women played a key role in the liberation war through the Organisation of Angolan Women and the Independent League for Angolan Women. Angola also experienced a civil war, which lasted from 1975 until 2002, and ended with the signing of the Luena Memorandum of Understanding. Women were excluded from the peace process, and despite the existence of a disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) program, women combatants were not provided with any benefits. These long-term armed conflicts have had a disproportionate impact on women, as women constitute approximately eighty percent of the internally displaced people.
At the multilateral level, Angola most recently served as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2015-2016.
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Global Gender Gap Index 2020
118 out of 153

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Military expenditure (2019)
$1.471 billion USD
Explore Angola's National Action Plan
- Actors
- Timeframe
- Objectives
- Actions/Activities
- Indicators
- M&E
- Budget
- Disarmament
NAP Development
Specific civil society organisations have not been explicitly mentioned as being involved in the development phase. Nevertheless, one of the many objectives of the NAP is to increase the participation of civil society in the implementation of UNSCR 1325 by educating civil society on the WPS Agenda.
WILPF does not have a country section in Angola and therefore was not involved in the development process of Angola's NAP.
NAP Implementation
On an institutional level civil society are included as responsible agents for the implementation of the NAP. The Ministries that created the NAP along with other relevant Ministerial Departments are included as the main responsible actors for the implementation of the NAP.
NAP Monitoring and Evaluation
Civil society organisations in coordination with other entities will form part of the monitoring bodies of the implementation of the NAP. For certain activities, civil society organisations are included as participants in achieving certain objectives.
The implementation period of the Angolan NAP is four years (2017-2020).
The objectives for the Angolan NAP are organised by the six pillars below:
- Increase the participation of women and integrate the gender equality dimension into all phases of peacebuilding, including at all levels of decision-making;
- Ensure women’s training and capacity building for peacebuilding, gender equality, violence against women and other relevant aspects of UNSCR 1325 and 1820;
- Promote and protect human rights for women and girls in conflict zones and post-conflict, economic empowerment, and educating civil society on the following:
- Preventing and eliminating sexual and gender based violence
- Promoting the empowerment of women;
- Deepen and disseminate information and training on the WPS agenda in ministerial departments, civil society and decision-making organisations;
- Promote the participation of civil society in the implementation of UNSCR 1325;
- Overall implement a gender perspective.
Each pillar has different actions assigned. For example, Pillar 1 “Increase the participation of women and integrate the gender equality dimension into all phases of peacebuilding, including at all levels of decision-making” includes the following actions:
- To promote at the internal level, the increase in the number of women at all levels of decision-making in the defense and security forces
- To regularly disclose vacant positions in international organisations in order to promote the appointment of women to positions in office, decision-making and others in international organisations to support the construction of peace and security
- To promote increased participation of women in international peacekeeping, humanitarian aid and crisis management missions
- To promote the participation and training of women in the African Union, the Southern African Development Community, International Conference on the Great Lakes Region and Community of Portuguese Language Countries, electoral observation missions
- To promote the integration of gender equality issues and the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls on high-profile forces, including in conflict, post-conflict settings and international peacekeeping and security missions
- To guarantee the existence of psychological support to the members and their families before, during and after participating in peacekeeping and technical-military cooperation
- To create awareness campaigns that support women's participation in all spheres of national life
- To hold seminars and gender sensitisation events for decision-makers in the defense and security and justice bodies
- To provide professional training of women in defense and security and justice bodies
- To spread the contents of UNSCR 1325 to the youth
- To promote the participation of young women in the youth forum events of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region
To achieve each objective, the NAP has different indicators assigned. For example, Objective 1 that aims to “Increase the participation of women and integrate the gender equality dimension into all phases of peacebuilding, including at all levels of decision-making” includes the following indicators or desired result:
1.1 Promote at the internal level, the increase in the number of women at all levels of decision-making in the defense and security forces
- Women in decision-making bodies for defense and security
1.2 Regularly disclose vacant positions in international organisations in order to promote the appointment of women to positions in office, decision-making and others in international organisations to support the construction of peace and security
- Women in vacant positions in international organisations
1.3 Promote increased participation of women in international peacekeeping, humanitarian aid and crisis management missions
- Women to lead and participate in international missions
1.4 Promote the participation and training of women in the African Union, the Southern African Development Community, International Conference on the Great Lakes Region and Community of Portuguese Language Countries, electoral observation missions
- Women’s participation in electoral observer missions with the AU, SADC, ICGLR and CPLC
1.5 Promote the integration of gender equality issues and the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls on high-profile forces, including in conflict, post-conflict settings and international peacekeeping and security missions
- Integration of women and men in the elimination of discrimination against women and girls.
1.6 Guarantee the existence of psychological support to the members and their families before, during and after participating in peacekeeping and technical-military cooperation
- Members and family having psychological support
1.7 Awareness campaigns that support women's participation in all spheres of national life
- Women in all spheres of national life
1.8 Seminars and gender sensitisation for decision-makers in the defense and security and justice bodies
- Women and men in sensitisation seminars
1.9 Professional training of women in defense and security and justice bodies
- Increased capacity of women professionally
1.10 Spread the contents of UNSCR 1325 to the youth
- Activities by the Youth Association on UNSCR 1325
1.11 Promote the participation of young women in the youth forum events of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region
- Young women participating in the youth forum of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region
For the policies recommended for the period of 2017-2020, the implementation of NAP will be based on a system of data collection, analysis and dissemination, in close coordination with the National Institute of Statistics. Regarding monitoring and evaluation, the Ministry of Family and Promotion of Women will be assisted by the Ministerial Departments of National Defense and Interior (Deputy Coordinators) and the other Ministerial Departments as social agents in order to ensure a greater intersectoral and interdisciplinary approach to implementing these policies.
The responsibility of coordinating the central and local level are assumed by the Ministerial Department of the Family and Promotion of Women, requiring a strong intersectoral and interdisciplinary link, involving and responsible actors such as:
- National Assembly
- Institutions of the judiciary
- Government ministerial departments
- Institutions of central and local state administration
- Political parties
- Non-Governmental Organisations
- Civil Society Organisations
- Academic and scientific community
- Social Media
- Communities and families
- International partners
The Angolan NAP includes an allocated budget. The implementation of the national action plan is based on the allocation of resources through sectoral budgets. The general budget of the state should explain the percentage allocated to the different ministerial departments.
The NAP does not address disarmament issues. The NAP instead focuses on the Government’s attempt to restructure the way women view themselves as active participants in the country’s defense and security sectors.