The Lithuanian NAP was developed in 2011 and does not specify who led the development process, but it does mention that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will lead the implementation process. Lithuania’s NAP says that the drafting of the action plan stems from the obligations of Lithuania as an active member of the UN and a country seeking a status of a non-permanent member of the UNSC for the period 2014-2015. The Lithuanian NAP is the shortest NAP in terms of page length yet it still manages to specify those responsible for implementation, a timeline for each action, a coordination mechanism, and four clear priority areas. Lithuania has no recent history of conflict, but is involved in NATO and EU operations.
The NAP lacks any mention of monitoring and evaluation as well as not referencing any civil society involvement in the process of NAP development. A relatively unique aspect of the NAP is that it includes raising awareness within Lithuania regarding UNSCR 1325 as a key priority area. It specifically mentions the importance of the society, particularly young people, becoming familiar with, and accepting the tenets of, the Resolution (Miller, Pournik, & Swaine, 2014).
Lithuania indicated in its reporting for Beijing+25 that it continues to implement the 2011 NAP. Activities include awareness raising around gender equality and UNSCR1325, including in the country’s military academy through mandatory coursework on humanitarian and gender issues (pg. 46 and 47).