
Further Readings

2019 Joint Submission for the Universal Periodic Review of Italy 2017 The Impact of Italy’s Arms Transfers on Women

Italy-2020 Commitments

National Action Plan: Italy commits to developing and adopting its Fourth National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, with the active engagement of civil society and academia in its development and implementation.

Italy-2015 Commitments

Italy committed to supporting a number of projects led by UN-Women in Africa, the Middle East and Central America in the areas of both women’s empowerment and engagement in peace and security processes, for approximately $10 million.

Italy NAP Overview

Italy launched its third NAP for the period 2016-2019. The Inter-Ministerial Committee for Human Rights (CIDU) led the development of the NAP with the input of a variety of stakeholders, including civil society, similar to the procedure for the development of the second NAP (2014-2016).


Italy launched its fourth NAP for the period 2020-2024.

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