
Further Readings

Bangladesh – 2015 Commitments

The Government is implementing a number of projects to develop women’s capabilities. They include a vulnerable group development programme, collateral-free loans, micro-credit, skills training, including computer skills, product display centres, and so on.

Bangladesh-2010 Commitments

Women and girls suffer the most as victims of conflict, while in peace process they are mostly the ones deprived of the dividends.

Bangladesh NAP Overview

Bangladesh developed its first National Action Plan (NAP) in 2018 to be implemented for the period of 2019-2022. The NAP was developed over the course of two years through a participatory approach that included civil society organizations as well as divisional and district-level consultations with grassroots women’s organizations.


In 2010, Bangladesh’s Awami League (AL) government established the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT), a domestic court charged with investigating the genocide and war crimes that occurred during the 1971 war. However, the court is yet to fully address wartime sexual and gender-based violence.

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