Nepal-2020 Commitments

National Action Plan: Nepal commits to the adoption of its second NAP that will be localized at the provincial and local governments policies and programmes. Nepal will also share experience and lessons learned in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and recovery.

Update: The preliminary draft of the NAP is available in Nepali on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Nepal.

According to the national reporting of Nepal for Beijing+25 (pg. 46), the second NAP on UNSCR 1325 and 1820 takes into account the recommendations of the UN Office of Special Representative of Secretary General on Sexual Violence on Conflict, includes a framework for monitoring, reporting and evaluation,  aligns with national and sectoral policies and plans, and outlines the localization plan. It also specifies the required budget. The process of drafting was participatory, with key stakeholders from government, civil society, women’s groups, development partners, and a representative of victims of war.

UN Nepal is supporting the development of the NAP.


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