Sweden-2015 Commitments


Commits to strengthening women’s human rights, improving their access to resources and increasing their representation, in times of war and in times of peace.

Recently revised national action plan will make women’s participation in peace and security a top priority.

2016 Update:

The representative of Sweden did not acknowledge whether the 2015 commitment to strengthen “women’s human rights, improving their access to resources and increasing their representation, in times of war and in times of peace” had been met.

2017 Update:

Sweden has worked to put more language on women’s participation into mandates, for instance, through ensuring the inclusion of gender reporting in mission mandates and adding criteria for listing sexual and gender-based violence in sanctions regimes.

In Afghanistan, Sweden has supported local female leaders in building their capacity to participate in mediation and dialogue processes.


Sweden stands ready to work with the United Nations to enhance data collection and the analysis of gender-disaggregated data.

2018 Update:

Sweden had the pleasure of hosting the first Multi-stakeholder Forum on Women, Peace and Security in October, at which Security Council members had the opportunity to listen to more than 50 civil society representatives.


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