Indonesia-2015 Commitments


Will contribute 4,000 Indonesian peacekeepers, including females, and has established a peacekeeping training centre to serve as a national and regional hub for integrated peacekeeping training and a centre of excellence. Gender perspectives have already been embedded in their training curriculums and syllabuses.

2016 Update:

The representative of Indonesia did not indicate whether the 2015 commitment to increase women’s participation in peacekeeping efforts and integrate a gender perspective in training, had been met.

2017 Update:


By 2019, Indonesia aims to have 4,000 troops, with an increased number of female peacekeepers.

Indonesia reconfirms its commitment to working with all Member States as a true partner for world peace, a partner in advancing strong institutions, linking peace and development, as well as strengthening cooperation as vital elements that Indonesia believes will deter the forces that devalue human life, including the lives of women.

2018 Update:

73 women have been elected as regional heads or deputy heads since the last election. Since the last general election, Indonesia has formulated a grand design to enhance women’s representation in Parliament for the forthcoming election in 2019. In 2018 the number of women running for office increased. Nearly 10 per cent of the candidates in parliamentary and regional elections were women.

Research conducted by Indonesia’s Wahid Institute found that women possess remarkable potential for promoting peace. Women are more tolerant of differences and less inclined to use violence against disliked groups; 80.7 per cent of women support the right to freedom of religion and belief; and 80.8 per cent of women, as compared to 76.7 per cent of men, do not support radicalism. 

The Peace Village initiative conducted by the Wahid Foundation in Indonesia in collaboration with UN-Women and Japan empowers women at the village level to build resilient communities by combining community empowerment and training in peacebuilding and women’s economic empowerment.

Indonesia is committed to continuing to increase the number of female peacekeepers. Indonesian peacekeeping contingents are among the largest, totalling more than 3,500 personnel, of which 72 are female peacekeepers. They are currently training 40 additional female peacekeepers, who will be deployed in the next few months, bringing the total to 112 female peacekeepers.


By 2019, Indonesia aims to have 4,000 troops, with an increased number of female peacekeepers.


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