Estonia NAP Overview

Estonia developed its first NAP in 2010 for the period 2010 – 2014. The NAP was led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which headed an interdepartmental Working Group.  A revised NAP was launched in 2015 for the period of 2015-2019 developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Defense and the Defense Forces, the Defense League, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior, the Police and Boarder Guard Board and civil society representatives. The revised NAP outlines external activities aimed at ensuring human rights of women through the promotion of gender equality as well as prevention and elimination of gender-based violence. Other strategic documents include internal activities at the national level. Estonia’s second NAP outlines three main objectives in the implementation of UNSCR 1325. The first objective is to improve the situation of women in conflict areas as well as post-conflict areas, focusing on education and empowerment of women and by that establishing greater opportunities for the involvement of women in peace processes in their own community. The second objective is o raise awareness of the impact of conflicts on women as well as of women’s role in ensuring peace and security; and the participation of women in conflict resolution and decision-making processes. The final objective is to enhance co-operation and information exchange on national and international level.

Estonia does not have recent history of conflict. However, it joined NATO in 2004 and since has taken part in multiple wars. It has participated in the present War on Terror. It also participated in the Iraq War (2003-2011) and the War in Afghanistan (2001-2014).

The Estonian NAP development process appears to have been relatively inclusive, although it fails to specify which specific civil society organizations took part in the working group that developed the NAP. Yet, the NAP mentions an important yet often neglected observation that the process of NAP development can create positive externalities – in this case to develop closer contacts and increase awareness among parties related to the issue of Women, Peace and Security. Overall the Estonian NAP is among the most specific NAPs, across the featured criterion (Miller, Pournik, & Swaine, 2014).

At the 23 April 2019 high-level WPS Commitments event, Estonia committed to creating a new NAP in advance of October 2020.