Made a statement affirming support for the WPS Agenda, but no specific commitment made.
2017 Update:
El Salvador has made important advances in its protection of women’s rights legislation and architecture because of its belief that gender equality and the empowerment of women are fundamental conditions for development, governance, peace and democracy.
El Salvador launched its National Action Plan for the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security, which bolsters its commitment to women in different areas, particularly in building peace and security.
El Salvador has voluntarily joined the Secretary-General’s compact to end sexual exploitation and abuse.
El Salvador wishes to reiterate its commitment to supporting peacekeeping operations by contributing the best trained personnel and including more women in the troops and police assigned to different missions.
El Salvador reiterates its support for all initiatives that ensure the participation of women in various contingents, in accordance with the provisions of resolution 1325 (2000) and subsequent resolutions of the Security Council.