North Macedonia’s NAP was launched in 2013 for the period 2013-15. As of November 2016, no new NAP has been released. The NAP does not specify who led the development process, but it seems that the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy was an important actor.
From an academic analysis: The North Macedonian 1325 NAP lacks detail on many of studied elements. It lacks an action matrix and fails to mention many concrete actions that are to be taken. The annex includes detail on the process of NAP development, including holding local workshops in eight different cities across the country. The North Macedonian 1325 NAP is unique in explicitly stating (on page 7) that “the activities envisaged in the NAP shall not have any financial implications” and that responsible institutions will need to make use of the funds they have as they deem necessary (Miller, Pournik, & Swaine, 2014). Women in North Macedonia, especially those belonging to the Roma or Albanian minorities, also face challenges to gender equality due to political, economic and social discrimination.
Update: In its national review for Beijing+25, North Macedonia reported that the Second National Action Plan for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 is being prepared. Since 2018, the Ministry of Defense has also implemented the Methodology for Gender Responsive Budgeting and a Gender Budget Statement.