Timor–Leste’s 2016-2020 National Action Plan for the implementation of UNSCR 1325(2000) is the results of a participatory multi-stakeholder process that was initiated by the Secretary of State for Security in 2013. The activities that will be implemented under this NAP have been organised around the four pillars – or four P’s – of Participation, Prevention, Protection and Peacebuilding. These pillars are the foundations for the promotion of women and girl’s rights to a life in peace and security, and the promotion of their equal and active participation and leadership in peacebuilding and development. This NAP proposes concrete actions to review and improve laws, policies and programs for enhancing women’s active and meaningful participation in all aspects of peace and state-building.
Timor-Leste has experienced a long history of conflict and violence, the consequences of which have been felt by Timorese people, particularly the many women and girls who lived through years of insecurity and fell victim to various forms of violence. Women have not yet been recognised for their contribution to the independence struggle. Moreover, women continue to face violence and discrimination at home and in public spaces, because of the discrimination and limitations imposed upon them. This NAP is developed based on the lessons and experiences of women and men during war and armed conflict starting as far back as 1975. The NAP on UNSCR 1325 re-affirms that although the war is over, Timorese women continue to struggle to achieve justice and equal rights today. As a policy document, the NAP contributes to implementing key recommendations of the Commission of Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR) report, which documented the systematic abuses and violence committed by members of the Indonesian armed forces, including rape, sexual torture, sexual slavery and other forms of sexual violence.
The NAP on UNSCR 1325 aims to both compensate and recognise women’s suffering as victims during the past conflict but also acknowledge and ensure women’s contributions during the liberation struggle are valued in society. However, civil society plays a minimal role in the implementation. Conversely, the NAP says: “The success of the implementation of the NAP on UNSCR 1325 – Women, Peace and Security, (WPS) will depend on the political commitment by the leadership of this Government. Therefore, the implementation of this NAP must placed in the trust of the Government”. Beijing+25/CSW64 National Reporting indicated that the gender-responsive budgeting program is allocating funding to NAP implementation (pg. 19), and there are working groups for each pillar of the NAP (pg 57).