Nepal developed its NAP for the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and 1820 in 2011 for the period of 2011 to 2016. Led by the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction, other government agencies, development partners, donor organizations, international non-governmental organizations, and civil society were involved in the development of the NAP. The NAP is contextualized within a broader set of government policies and initiatives that seek to mainstream gender and implement UNSCR 1325 and 1820 in Nepal. The Nepali NAP was developed through consultative processes including 52 district level consultations, 10 regional consultations, and separate special consultations with women and girls directly affected by conflict. These consultations were attended by over 3000 participants and generated more than 1500 action points, which were clustered under the five pillars of the NAP. The plan also includes a comprehensive background section, highlighting the history of conflict, other policies and NAPs that support women’s empowerment, and particular concerns of women in Nepal as they relate to the WPS agenda. This background section is followed by an equally comprehensive action plan that is among the most specific NAPs across the featured criterion in this paper (Miller, Pournik, & Swaine, 2014).
Nepal is in a post-conflict period of transformation, recovery and reconstruction, following the decade-long armed conflict that took place from 1996 and ended with the signing of a peace agreement in 2006. Women were not included in the 2006 peace agreement, but the end of the conflict in Nepal also brought about a transition to secular democratic governance and a push from women’s groups for equal participation and protection in the constitution.
At the 23 April 2019 high-level WPS Commitments event, Nepal committed to creating a new NAP.
Nepal provided updates on the implementation of the first NAP in its national report for Beijing+25, including on areas of progress and gaps (pgs. 44-49).