The Government of Argentina launched its first National Action Plan (NAP) in September 2015 for a period of three years. The NAP is conceived as a dynamic instrument, open to modifications and built in a coordinated way within various ministries, in which there is a specific strategy to implement policies to guarantee the compliance to UNSC’s Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda. The development of the NAP was led by the Ministry of External Relations and Culture in coordination with the following ministries: Security; Justice and Human Rights; Interior and Transportation; Work, Labor and Social Security; Education; Health; Economy and Public Finances; and Defense.
The Argentinian NAP has both an internal and external focus. It aims to increase women’s participation in politics and include a gender perspective in all matters related to peace and security in the national, regional and international level. The NAP is based on three principles: participation, protection and gender mainstreaming. There is a lack of mention on the inclusion of civil society organisations in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the NAP. The NAP establishes the need for a gender perspective to be used in DDR activities by offering capacity-building to peacekeeping officers on DDR from a gender perspective.