As of August 2020, WILPF analysis shows that 86 UN Member States (45% of all UN Member States) have UNSCR 1325 National Action Plans (NAPs).
Of the 84 NAPs adopted by December 2019, only 28 (33%) include an allocated budget for implementation. Furthermore, only 26 NAPs (31%) include references to disarmament and provide specific actions to disarm society. Although civil society has always been at the forefront of efforts to strengthen the implementation of the WPS Agenda, only 63 NAPs (75%) allocate a specific role to civil society in the different stages of the NAP implementation process, with this role often limited to an “advisory” position.
There are 11 Regional Action Plans (RAPs) in place as well, such as the one of the African Union and of the European Union. Regional coordination efforts also include the Asia-Pacific Regional Symposium on National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security where the Member States, alongside civil society representatives, share their lessons learned and best practices in the implementation of UNSCR 1325.