Iraq’s National Action Plan for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 Women, Peace and Security 2014 – 2018
Iraq’s National Action Plan for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 Women, Peace and Security 2014 – 2018
Iraq’s National Action Plan for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 Women, Peace and Security 2014 – 2018
UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF PEACE: SPECIAL REPORT-UNSCR 1325 in the Middle East and North Africa Women and Security
2019 We Are Still Here: Mosulite Women 500 Days After the Conclusion of the Coalition Military Operation Access the IEG 29 March 2018 Meeting Record on Iraq here 2018 Balancing Priorities: Lessons from Iraq, Jordan And Palestine for NAP-1325 Drafting Teams Access the IEG 14 June 2017 Meeting Record on Iraq here Access the IEG …
Iraq has increased the percentage of women in positions of leadership in Iraq since 2003. The new Iraqi Constitution establishes a quota of no less than 25 per cent for women holding seats in the Council of Representatives.
Iraq’s National Action Plan was launched in February 2014 for the period 2014-2018, making it the first country in the MENA region to adopt a NAP.
Iraq’s first National Action Plan was launched in February 2014 for the period 2014-2018, making it the first country in the MENA region to adopt a NAP.