Netherlands-2020 Commitments

National Action Plan: Netherlands commits to developing and adopting its fourth National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325. This will be done in consultation with civil society organizations and will be informed by lessons and recommendation of evaluation of eight women peace and security projects under the third NAP of the Netherlands that will be undertaken by February 2020.

The development of the fourth NAP1325 of the Netherlands, in cooperation with civil society and several ministries, is currently ongoing. The current eight women, peace and security programmes have been extended by one year (6 with funding, 2 no-cost), so the evaluations will be finalized later this year. Lessons learned of these evaluations as well as conclusions from the Mid Term Review of our third NAP1325 will be taken into account in the development of the fourth Dutch NAP1325.

The Mid Term review has been completed. The goal of this Mid Term Review was to assess the progress of the implementation of the third National Action Plan 1325 (NAP1325) 2016-2019 of the Netherlands, to make recommendations for the last year of the third NAP1325 and to contribute to the policy discussions surrounding the development of the fourth NAP1325. 

Further details on the implementation of the third NAP were reported  on by the  Netherlands in their Beijing+25 national report (pgs. 55-58).

Financial contribution: Pledges contributions to the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund and to the Elsie Trust Fund, and project funding for WILPF & PTI to facilitate space for Yemeni women to lead a localized, inclusive and sustainable feminist peace process.

These financial contributions are currently ongoing.

Besides, we have recently launched the SDG5 fund, part of which is a new instrument for WPS programmes starting in 2021. For the period 2021-2025, EUR 40 million (EUR 8 million per year) will be available for WPS programmes. This is double the amount that was available for programmes under our third NAP1325.

From 2020-2024, we are also contributing to the NGO WG on WPS.


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