Namibia-2020 Commitments

National Action Plan: Namibia commits to prioritizing the implementation of its first National Action Plan on USNCR 1325 which was launched in 2019. Under this umbrella, Namibia will also strengthen the Germany-Namibia G7 WPS Focal Point Network Partnership.

The NAP was launched in June last year. The roll out of the NAP has started.

Constraints – budgeting and financial resources. Gender responsive budgeting has been mainstreamed throughout all the ministries though, so we hope implementation will not be stalled too much with mainstreaming in day-to-day budgets.

Namibia reported in its updates on Beijing+25 that the Namibia NAP on WPS is accompanied by a monitoring and evaluation plan, to be used by different stakeholders. Namibia has aligned its outcome indicators to the AU Continental Results framework where relevant. Progress on the implementation of the Action Plan will be monitored annually to look at the challenges faced by stakeholders in the implementation of the Action Plan; proposals of possible solutions to these challenges; and documenting successes and planning for possible replication.

Peacekeeping: Namibia pledges to establish a Women’s Peace Centre focused on national, regional and international conflict resolution and management.

Update 29 January 2020: Capacity building around peacekeeping as well as mediation.

Last year in September, we started reaching out more to possible partners, to create a network, consult on a concept note and determine the scope of what we’re trying to set up. We’re still open to multilateral and bilateral partnerships, particularly in terms of financing, but also to support technical capacity.

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