Denmark-2020 Commitments

National Action Plan: Denmark commits to revising and updating its National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, which will also be informed by the evaluation the current National Action.

Denmark is working on a new NAP this year. The draft is being finalized, and will be ready for adoption by the end of the year.

The development of the new NAP is based on the evaluation of the previous NAP implementation. One of the evaluation findings related to the stakeholders, and the fact that committed individuals rather than organized government structures had facilitated implementation. A key lesson learned was therefore to facilitate a broad-base commitment within government structures, including by getting the security sector more involved and by scaling up engagement on WPS.​

Financial commitments: Denmark pledges DKK 25 million in the support of the work of the African Union Commission to promote the role of women in peace and security across the continent.

DKK 25M were provided to AUC in support of the African Peace and Security Architecture, targeting the office of the SE on WPS (Denmark).

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