Ukraine-2015 Commitments

Made a statement affirming support for the WPS Agenda, but no specific commitment made.

2017 Update:

Two initiatives were launched in Ukraine: “The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in Action” and “Gender Equality at the Centre of the Reforms”.

In 2016, the Government of Ukraine adopted its National Action Plan for implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) for 2016-2020.

The implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) is also a constant feature of Ukraine’s annual national cooperation programmes with NATO.

The Ukrainian Government has taken the decision to establish a Government Commissioner post on gender equality.

The Government has developed the State Target Programme on Recovery and Peacebuilding in Eastern Regions of Ukraine, which integrates a gender perspective in all of its pillars.

The President of Ukraine has appointed a woman to a position in charge of the process of peaceful settlement in the Donbas region.


Ukraine committed to adopting a multi-year gender-equality strategy for the security and defence sector.

It claimed to continue to work towards the development of a full range of judicial and non-judicial measures and institutional reform, in line with international standards.

2018 Update:

The National Action Plan provides for the inclusion of the principle of gender parity in professional training, a policy on expanding women’s participation in peacebuilding processes and a system for protecting women and girls who are victims of the conflict. One important component in preventing and combating gender-based violence during military action.

Ukraine introduced gender quotas and a special position on gender policy issues.

With a view to defining the full extent of the violations of human rights, including sexual violence, in the occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas, Ukraine has been insisting that special observers be sent from the special monitoring and humanitarian missions of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross.