Finland-2010 Commitments


1. Finland aligns itself with the statement of the European Union to be delivered later today. In addition, I wish to offer some insights into what Finland has done and learnt during the past decade, and commit ourselves to future action with regard to Participation of Women at all stages and all levels of peace processes, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and post-conflict recovery; National Action Plans; and Work against impunity, including due attention to victims.

2. Increasing the number of women also in the highest positions can wait no longer. The United Nations regional organisations have a responsibility to set examples and promote gender-equality, while Member states have a responsibility to provide and support female candidates. Accordingly, Finland commits to increasingly nominating female candidates.


1. National Action Plans on the implementation of Resolution 1325 have proved to be the primary tool in strategic and systematic implementation. Finland’s National Action Plan was jointly drafted by five Ministries and civil society partners, who are also actively engaged in its implementation and follow-up. As we look forward to the Council giving its support to the comprehensive set of indicators today, we commit to including the indicators in our own National Action Plan when revised next year.

2. We are willing to share our lessons learned and experiences with other countries engaged in the preparation and implementation of their own National Action Plans. At the moment Finland cooperates with Kenya in drafting its National Action Plan through a twinning-project. Should the experiences from this programme be successful, we remain open to considering twinning with another partner country in the future.

Commitments made on October 26, 2010 (see SC Open Debate)


1. First, Finland commits to reviewing its current National Action Plan on 1325 and will, during the next year, prepare an updated National Action Plan in close cooperation with its civil society partners.

2. Finland currently supports the creation of a National Action Plan in Kenya through a twinning project. Based on experiences from the project, Finland will stand ready for a possible new twinning with an interested partner. Finland will also prepare to assist in the follow-up to the implementation of the Kenyan Action Plan.

3. Finland will systematically pay attention to the incorporation of aspects deriving from resolution 1325 into the mandates, political guidance and operational tasking of international peace operations, and will increasingly offer gender and human rights experts to international peace operations and missions. In order to broaden the effects of implementation, gender training to men in peace-operations will also be ensured.

4. Finland will further develop the implementation of 1325 as a part of its comprehensive approach to promoting peace.

Civil Society Engagement

1. Second, Finland will stress the key role civil society has in promoting and implementing 1325. Finland commits to cooperating closely with NGOs nationally, and internationally, for example through our continued support to Femmes Africa Solidarite in its work in preparing and implementing National and Regional Action Plans.

2. Cooperation with civil society is vital also regarding Finland’s commitment to increase its contributions to peace mediation and promote the effective participation of women at all stages and levels of formal and informal peace negotiations. Finland emphasizes the importance of nominating women in top-level functions in international organizations and operations, including as peace mediators, and commits to increasingly nominate and support female candidates for this positions.


1. Thirdly, Finland will continue its efforts to end impunity for the most serious human rights violations including sexual and gender-based violence. This should always be done with attention to the victims, Finland commits to continued support to the efforts of the International Criminal Court, including its financial support to the Trust Fund for Victims, whose board of directors I chair.

Prior commitments made on September 25, 2010 (see full statement)

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