Iceland adopted its most recent National Action Plan (NAP) in 2018 for the period 2018-2022. The NAP was developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with some input from civil society. The review of the second NAP by civil society contributed to the third NAP. The NAP approaches the implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda mostly internationally, seeking to implement UNSCR 1325 and coordinate activities related to humanitarian, diplomatic, peacekeeping and development. The NAP is organized around four primary pillars: training and advocacy; participation; prevention, protection, relief and recovery; and partnership and collaboration. Each pillar has corresponding actions and indicators. The NAP does not have an allocated budget.
Iceland’s third NAP is preceded by two other NAPs, adopted in 2008 and 2013. The first NAP did not specify a period of implementation while the second NAP was implemented for the period 2013-2016. A key strength of the third NAP is that it continues to recognize partnerships as a separate priority area based on the idea that partnerships have a multiplier effect. The third NAP is more specific than its predecessor but it still mostly has the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as responsible for activities. This updated NAP is constructed in the same structure as the previous NAP by consisting of four main pillars, each proposing ideal outcomes, outputs and activities in order to achieve each goal. However, the third NAP joined together prevention, protection, relief and recovery into one objective instead of separate ones as seen in the previous NAP. Finally, the updated NAP, like the two previous ones, does not include any reference to disarmament.
Iceland does not have a recent history of armed conflict, but is a key contributor to UN peacekeeping missions, NATO missions, and provider of international aid and humanitarian assistance. Despite being a NATO member, Iceland does not have a military.
Iceland has relatively high levels of gender equality and institutional protections for women’s rights. Currently, women make up approximately 40% of elected representatives in Iceland’s parliament. Iceland is also a member of the Nordic Women Mediators Network, which was launched in 2015.
At the multilateral level, Iceland was a candidate for a non-permanent member seat at the United Nations Security Council for the period 2009-2010, but was not elected.
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National Action Plan (2018-2022)


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Explore Iceland's National Action Plan
- Actors
- Timeframe
- Objectives
- Action/Activities
- Indicators
- Budget
- Disarmament
NAP Development
Civil society formed part of the development of the NAP by providing recommendations from the previous NAP.
WILPF does not have a country section in Iceland and therefore was not involved in the development process of Iceland’s NAP.
The NAP was developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
NAP Implementation
Civil society is not included as an implementing actor of the updated NAP.
The lead and cooperating implementing agencies are government ministries and institutions.
NAP Monitoring and Evaluation
Civil society, along with the steering group 1325 will be responsible for the mid-term review of the NAP. The mid-term review will assess if the objectives and the time-limits of output and activities apply as well as if amendments to the NAP are needed.
The steering group 1325 is responsible for collecting information from responsible parties for activities outlined in the NAP. The progress reports will then be turned into a summary that will be published by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs at the end of every year of implementation. This summary will also be submitted to the parliament yearly.
The fourth NAP is to be implemented in a period of five years 2018-2022.
Similar to the previous NAP, this NAP has four priority areas.
The four main pillars of the National Action Plan are presented in the following order:
1) Training and advocacy;
2) Participation;
3) Prevention, protection, relief and recovery;
4) Partnership and collaboration.
For each of these four objectives, Iceland's NAP outlines a set of additional "Outcomes" or specific objectives. For example, under Participation, they include:
- Increased participation of women and subsequent impact on peace and reconstruction, in Iceland and internationally;
- Support and training of women in conflict zones which is of use in peace processes and reconstruction at an international level.
Within each "Outcome" the Icelandic NAP gives a set of activities to achieve that particular objective. For example, for Participation, under the first outcome -“Increased participation of women and subsequent impact on peace and reconstruction, in Iceland and internationally”, the following activities are listed:
- The Iceland Crisis Response Unit shall fill specialist positions in gender equality related matters within NATO;
- Seconded specialists for humanitarian assistance shall fill specialist positions relating to gender equality within international organisations working in the field of humanitarian assistance;
- The male to female ratio of seconded specialists of the Icelandic Crisis Response Unit shall be balanced;
- The male to female ratio on the list of key parties who work in policy areas related to women, peace and security in the Icelandic administration (see activity 1.1.1.) along with the male to female ratio on the senior positions on the list shall be mentioned in the yearly report of the National Action Plan.
For each "Outcome" there is also a set of indicators. For example, under Prevention, Protection, Relief and Recovery's first outcome - "Women and girls in conflict-affected situations are protected against violence and will receive relief and recovery", they give the following indicators:
A course for Icelandic NGOs held twice during the period of validity of the NAP. Estimated cost: 500 thousand Icelandic krona per course.
Percentage of grants/funding provided to Icelandic NGOs' projects that promote and strengthen protection against sexual violence in conflict situations and/or relate to the rehabilitation of victims
Contributions to projects implemented by local NGOs and/or international organisations that focus on the protection of women and support to victims of violence.
Contributions will amount to a minimum of 10 million Icelandic krona per year, including contribution under item 3.2
The funding of the implementation of the NAP falls primarily on the Defence Directorate and the Directorate for International Development Cooperation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Iceland does not mention disarmament in its revised NAP.