The Swiss Government has launched its fourth National Action Plan for a period of five years (2018-2022). It builds on Switzerland’s first NAP (for the period 2007-2009), its second NAP (for the period 2010-2012) and its third NAP (for the period 2013-2016). The fourth NAP includes a focus for greater participation by women in the prevention of violent extremism, since the passing of UNSCR 2242 (2015) as well as the incorporation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5. The development of the fourth NAP was led by the Interdepartmental Working Group (IDWG 1325) in consultation with Swiss representations abroad, Swiss civil society and partner organisations. Swiss civil society is involved, for the first time, in the implementation of the NAP. The NAP is based on recommendations from civil society’s ‘1325 Reloaded’ report. This NAP includes an additional focus on engaging men in women, peace and security work. In regards to disarmament, the revised NAP includes a call for greater consideration of gender aspects in arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.
Switzerland has no recent history of conflict, but plays an important role in international humanitarian and development operations. Switzerland has a national Peace Policy which focuses on implementation of the country’s longstanding commitment to the promotion of peace worldwide.
Civil society, for the first time, will be included in the monitoring and evaluation as well as the implementation process of the fourth NAP. In addition, there was a direct link included on gender and disarmament. Overall, Swiss civil society was more involved in the development, monitoring and evaluation and implementation stages of the NAP.