Montenegro-2020 Commitments

National Action Plan: Montenegro commits to developing, adopting and implementing its second National Action Plan on UNSC resolution 1325 (2019-2022), in addition to prioritizing annual reporting to the Government of Montenegro, to the Committee on Gender Equality, and to the Security and Defence Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, on the implementation of the Action Plan.

Second NAP was adopted in September last year and women’s participation is one of its focus areas.

Several activities have been defined to operationalize the NAP and to help the government implement the plan.


WPS implementation is made difficult by societal challenges. For example, the fact that the military is mostly male delays implementation. It is therefore important to consider bringing the army closer to the population.

Another challenge has been the focus on NAP implementation, only around reporting periods. One key lesson that will be reflected in the 2nd NAP is therefore to plan frequent reports on implementation of the NAP, namely every six months.

“The Cabinet adopted the Annual Report on the implementation of the Programme of Action Plan on the Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security (2019-2022) in 2019. The Action Plan prioritises the continuation of the implementation of the three main strategic goals for implementing UNSCR 1325, which are: increasing women’s participation in decision-making and peace processes, protecting women and girls in conflict zones and integrating gender perspectives and gender education into peacekeeping operations. Out of the total of 37 activities, 25 or 67.56 percent were fulfilled, eight activities or 21.62 percent were partially fulfilled, while four activities were not fulfilled, or 10.81 percent.”

Further updates are provided in the Beijing+25 National Report and Speakers Call for Accelerated Progress in Women, Peace, Security Agenda, as Security Council Concludes Debate | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. 

MoD will increase cooperation with other state Ministries and relevant civil sector representatives participating at the implementation of NAP on 1325 at national level, through mutual training activities and seminars at all levels

Strategies were developed concerning GBV, SV, VAW.

Training activities were organized for gender coordinators and gender advisers within the military.

A specific database was also developed to facilitate women’s opportunities to pursue their career.

Security Sector: Montenegro commits to strengthening regional cooperation through the Second phase of UNDP/SEESAC Project 2019-2021 on integration of gender perspectives in the Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkan countries.

Several activities were implemented, including regional meetings to map best practices and to integrate gender perspectives in countries’ strategies.

Enhance the measures for implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of key NATO and UN policies within the Defense system, invest in training for new Gender Officers and trainers of the armed forces, in cooperation with regional and international partners, and nominate a Gender Advisor for the armed forces of Montenegro.

Within the Ministry of Defense, an annual action plan has been developed, and over 75% of activities related to WPS have already been implemented.

Further updates are provided in the Beijing+25 National Report of Montenegro.


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