Ireland-2010 Commitments


  1. Ireland has been very active in the implementation of 1325 and has long been reflecting the spirit of the Resolution in its external actions. In order to formalise this commitment, my department is working closely with other government departments, as well as members of civil society and academia, towards the development of an effective National Action Plan which we hope to launch early next year. This is our principal pledge here today.

UN Engagement

  1. I would also like to take this opportunity to note Ireland’s warm support of Michelle Bachelet and the recently established UN Women. I am confident that this organisation’s core work will benefit the lives of women and girls who experience or have experienced the atrocities of conflict, in particular, the atrocities that target them specifically. International support of this body will be integral to its success. I am delighted to confirm the pledge made by Ireland to the commitment to UN Women this year and look forward to hearing about its progress. I would also like to pay tribute to the excellent work of Margot Wallstrom, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict. She has focused the world’s attention on the recent, unacceptable spate of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo and, in doing so, is ensuring that action is being taken to bring the perpetrators to justice. Her commitment and determination to her role as SRSG will be vital in transforming the current landscape of impunity to a legacy of zero tolerance.  

Commitments made October 26, 2010 (see SC Open Debate)


  1. Present the findings of our cross-learning initiative to the UN on 25 October 2010, in the margins of the Security Council open debate on Women, Peace and Security, Ireland. This initiative brought together participants from Ireland, Northern Ireland, Liberia and Timor-Leste, with a view to learning from different country contexts and strengthening the multiple dimensions of South-South and North-South cooperation. As part of the initiative, high-level participatory events were held in Belfast, Dili and Monrovia. Each event gathered representatives from government and civil society groups to focus on the key issues of participation, protection and gender perspectives in policy-making. Having enlarged our understanding of the issues relating to Women, Peace and Security, we hope that our initiative will give inspiration to others to engage in similar processes of exchange and cross-learning in order to reach our shared goals.
  2. Finalise, adopt and launch, in early 2011, our National Action Plan on 1325. Work has been ongoing on this plan for some time and involves close consultation and cooperation between government, civil society and academia.

Prior commitments made September 25, 2010 (see full statement) 


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