Georgia developed its first NAP in 2011 for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889 and 1960 for the time frame of 2012-2015. It launched its second NAP for the period of one year (2016-2017). Georgia has launched its third NAP for the period of three years (2018-2020). As a result of the 2016-2017 NAP, the Government formed the Inter-Agency Commission on Gender Equality, Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (hereinafter the Commission). The third NAP (2018-2020) has been coordinated by the Commission, which comprises deputy ministers and gender focal points from line ministries as well as the Thematic Consultative Working Group with representatives from municipalities, civil society and international organizations. A Governmental Working Group led by the Council for Gender Equality and composed of government officials, civil society, and international organizations coordinated the NAP’s development. The Georgian NAP forms part of broader national efforts to mainstream Gender and was developed following the adoption of the Law on Gender Equality in 2010, and the establishment of the Council for Gender Equality.
Georgia has a recent experience of conflict and is also a contributor to international peacekeeping operations. As such, the updated Georgian NAP continues to have a focus on conflict-affected areas, internally displaced persons and occupied territories within Georgia; and also in mainstreaming Women, Peace and Security in its international peacekeeping and diplomatic activities. Following the conflict periods, many women’s organizations have emerged, particularly focusing on the needs and empowerment of internally displaced women. Working at the national level to the grassroots level and in cooperation with international donors and UN agencies, women’s organizations have been instrumental in the development and implementation of the NAP in Georgia.
The updated NAP strengthens opportunities for local women civil society involvement at all stages of the NAP, including development, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. However, gaps remain in other key areas such as disarmament, as it still is not mentioned or referenced in the NAP. This ignores the link to human security and disarmament. In addition, just like the previous version of the NAP (2016-2017), a specific allocated budget or a reference to funding plans are not included in the updated NAP. The sources of funding are non-specific: either state budget or donor organizations (Miller, Pournik, & Swaine, 2014).